B.S. in Applied Professional Studies Curriculum

As a working professional or non-traditional student, you want the opportunity to complete an undergraduate degree that fits your experience and your plans. NSU's Applied Professional Studies major puts your prior college credits to use and your career goals within reach.

B.S. in Applied Professional Science Requirements

Degree Requirements
Major Requirements Students are required to complete 12 core credit hours. Total degree requirements: 120 credits.
Concentration I Students are required to complete 12 credit hours prior to entering the major.
Concentration II Number of credits will vary with selected concentration.
Core Courses (12 credits)
APRS 2901
Professional Planning (APRS 2901 / Credits: 3 )
APRS 4901
Applied Professional Studies Portfolio (APRS 4901 / Credits: 3 )
SPCH 3120
Speech Communication for the Professions (SPCH 3120 / Credits: 3 )
WRIT 3150
Business Writing (WRIT 3150 / Credits: 3 )
Concentration Requirements (select 8 credits from the following)
BIOL 1500
Biology I/Lab (BIOL 1500 / Credits: 4 )
BIOL 1510 or BIOL 1510H
Biology II/Lab or Biology II/Lab Honors (BIOL 1510 or BIOL 1510H / Credits: 4 )
CHEM 1300 or CHEM 1300H
General Chemistry I/Lab or General Chemistry I/Lab Honors (CHEM 1300 or CHEM 1300H / Credits: 4 )
CHEM 1310 or CHEM 1310H
General Chemistry II/Lab or General Chemistry II/Lab Honors (CHEM 1310 or CHEM 1310H / Credits: 4 )
Core Course (3 credits)
BIOL 4901
APS Capstone Course in Biological and Physical Sciences (BIOL 4901 / Credits: 3 )
Major Electives (24–28 credits)
From these prefixes, select seven 2000 or higher level courses. Three courses must be at the 3000-level or higher. At least three of the courses must be courses that include laboratory. (BIOL, CHEM, PHYS, MBIO, ENVS, SCIE )
Option 1
Students may complete an existing minor. (Option 1 )
Option 2
Students may choose one of the following and complete 18 credits: (Option 2 )
Courses housed within the NSU Halmos College Department of Communication, Media, and the Arts. ( )
Courses housed within the NSU Halmos College Department of Humanities and Politics and the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies. ( )
Courses housed in the College of Computing and Engineering. ( )
Courses housed in the H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship. ( )
Concentration Prerequisites (or equivalents) (9 credits)
MATH 2020 or MATH 2020H
Applied Statistics or Applied Statistics Honors (MATH 2020 or MATH 2020H / Credits: 3 )
PSYC 1020 or PSYC 1020H
Introduction to Psychology or Introduction to Psychology Honors (PSYC 1020 or PSYC 1020H / Credits: 3 )
PSYC 2900
Quantitative Psychology (PSYC 2900 / Credits: 3 )
Core Courses (24 credits)
PSYC 2100
Biological Bases of Behavior (PSYC 2100 / Credits: 3 )
PSYC 2160 or PSYC 2160H
Social Psychology or Social Psychology Honors (PSYC 2160 or PSYC 2160H / Credits: 3 )
PSYC 2350 or PSYC 2350H
Life-Span Human Development or Life-Span Human Development Honors (PSYC 2350 or PSYC 2350H / Credits: 3 )
PSYC 2600
Psychological Research Methods (PSYC 2600 / Credits: 3 )
PSYC 3210 or PSYC 3260
Personality or Abnormal Psychology (PSYC 3210 or PSYC 3260 / Credits: 3 )
PSYC 3520
Principles of Learning (PSYC 3520 / Credits: 3 )
PSYC 4901
APS Capstone Course in Psychology/Substance Abuse Studies (PSYC 4901 / Credits: 3 )
PSYC 3000/4000-level
One 3000/4000-level PSYC course, selected with assistance from academic advisor (PSYC 3000/4000-level / Credits: 3 )

The academic program and curriculum requirements listed on this page are from the NSU Halmos College of Arts & Sciences Graduate Student Catalog. Students are bound by policies and curricula published in the catalog in effect the semester they enter the university unless an agreement is made with appropriate NSU administration officials allowing them to abide by policies published in a later catalog.

4-Year Plan of Study

See the entire program at a glance. The four-year plan of study will assist you in planning your future at NSU. It presents an overall idea of the order in which courses might be taken in a four-year plan during a student's college career.