Art Portfolio Review

After applying to NSU and officially becoming a Shark, we invite you to join us on campus for a portfolio review interview during an upcoming Shark Preview. This interview is required for all incoming art and design majors to determine level placement in art and design courses, as well as the Performing and Visual Arts Talent Grant. 

Purpose of the Portfolio Review Interview

The art and design program is designed to identify and cultivate emerging professional visual artists and designers. We wish to nurture original creative thinkers and capable artists. The review committee is assessing your ability to visually demonstrate fundamental artistic skills, your level of creativity, and your ability to follow instructions.

How to Sign Up

Check the email you used on your application for admission. Within one week of the date of your admission letter, you will receive a personalized URL to an online portal with additional instructions on how to sign up for a Shark Preview. For more information about Shark Preview, visit Shark Preview. You are encouraged to apply for additional Premier Programs in advance that you can also interview for during Shark Preview.

If you have questions about what is appropriate for the portfolio, please contact Mario D'Agostino at 

Scholarship opportunity for Art majors

Incoming Freshman Art majors are encouraged to apply for the Razor’s Edge Shark Talent scholarship program and schedule an interview during a Virtual Shark Preview. You may also be interested in other scholarship and grant opportunities listed below:

  1. Schedule portfolio review interview – see details in “How to Sign Up” above
  2. Prepare Statement of Intent
  3. Prepare Digital Portfolio
  • Craftsmanship and clarity of information are important in the portfolio presentation. The portfolio should include 10-15 high quality photographs of works from your high school or college level foundation courses and electives. Work should demonstrate the ability to draw from observation, elements and principles of design and/or spatial organization, surface, and form. Works should also display an understanding of design, composition, and express unique and innovative visual approaches.

    Label each piece with all of the following information*:

    1. Item number (1-15, as listed on Project Description Sheet, provided below)
    2. Your name
    3. Medium/materials
    4. Year executed
    5. Image sizes should be 1-3 MB per image or less
    6. Acceptable file formats: JPG, TIFF, PDF.
    7. Please email your documents to Mario D'Agostino, associate professor of art and design at with "art portfolio submission, Last name, First Name," as the email subject line.

               *An example of an appropriate file name: 1_Smith_DigitalPhoto_2015.jpg

  • Your statement of intent should not exceed one typed page
  • The Statement of Intent/Artist Statement explains why you are interested in becoming an art and design major at NSU and what you intend to do as an artist/designer. It should:
    • describe your specific artistic interests
    • explain how your artistic interests are reflected in the submitted artwork
    • include a statement of your goals as an artist/designer
  • Be accurate in spelling, grammar, and word usage. Please use a legible typeface set at 12 pt, double spaced with 1” margins on all sides of an 8.5” x 11” sheet of paper.
  • Acceptable file formats: PDF or .doc or .docx
  • Foundation Skills:
    • Design skills
    • Color mixing and use
    • Observational drawing
    • Figure Drawing
  • Fluency with Materials and Visual Problem Solving:
    • Technical skills: craftsmanship
    • Manipulation of surface and space
    • Diverse and appropriate materials and techniques
    • Evidence of good revision of work in progress
    • Work ethic and commitment to the work
  • Critical Thinking and Commitment:
    • Connection between visual form, construction and concept
    • Development of interesting and original ideas
    • Innovation and imagination
  • Historical and Contemporary Context:
    • Evidence of art historical knowledge and reference
    • Respect for traditional approaches
    • Awareness of contemporary concerns
    • Knowledge and appropriate use of personal sources
  • Professionalism:
    • Knowledge of discipline-specific technical and safety concerns
    • Professional presentation and documentation of work