Halmos College of Arts and Sciences Scholarships (Collegewide)

Senator G. Firestone Endowed Scholarship (SHFS)

This scholarship was established in 2010 by the late Senator G. Firestone and his wife, Mrs. Nola Firestone. The purpose of this scholarship is to preserve the legacy of public service of Senator George Firestone by providing support to students preparing for a career in government service.



  • Applicants must be in financial need and in good academic standing
  • Preference will be given to students who are the first in their family to attend graduate school,
  • and to those who have been employed in order to help to finance their education
  • Applicants should submit an essay, explaining how they meet the criteria for the scholarship.


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Wei Chen Endowed Scholarship (SCFE)

Students must demonstrate an interest in studying the resolution of social, political, and/or historical inter-and cross-cultural challenges


  • Graduate students
  • In good academic standing
  • Demonstrated interest in studying the resolution of social, political, and/or historical inter-and cross-cultural challenges
  • Students who have direct experience working across Eastern and Western cultures will receive preference
  • Applicants should submit a detailed letter, explaining how they meet the criteria for the scholarship. Letters may be submitted to hcasscholarhips@nova.edu.

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HCAS Friends Memorial Fund 

The HCAS Friends Memorial Fund was initiated in remembrance of Mr. Cody Smith for his outstanding services to the former School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS).  This fund is specific to graduate students who are in good standing, continuously registered each term, and actively working on their thesis or dissertation research or a community outreach project.  

Award Criteria: 

1.       Continuously registered each term and in good academic standing  
2.       Actively working on their thesis or dissertation research or a community outreach project  
3.       Students are eligible for an award one time   

Application Instructions:  

Applicants for this scholarship must submit a narrative of proposed or ongoing activity related to their thesis or dissertation research or a community outreach project to hcasscholarships@nova.edu. The narrative should include the following elements: 

  • A description of the project, including budget 
  • A plan for continued or sustained studies (e.g., other sources of funding that will be sought) 
  • A timeline for completion of the project, including anticipated completion date    


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