Kevin Dvorak, Ph.D., is a Professor and Executive Director of the NSU Write from the Start Writing and Communication Center. He is a past president of both the International Writing Centers Association and the Southeastern Writing Center Association. He has co-chaired two IWCA Summer Institutes, two SWCA Conferences, and one National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing.
His book, Creative Approaches to Writing Center Work (Hampton, 2008), won the 2009 IWCA Outstanding Scholarship Award for Best Book/Major Work. He has also published in ESL Writers: A Guide for Writing Center Tutors, Tutoring Second Language Writers, The Writing Center Director’s Resource Manual, The Successful High School Writing Center, Writing Studio Pedagogy: Space, Place, and Rhetoric in Collaborative Environments, The Journal of Faculty Development, the Communication Center Journal, as well as in Praxis and The Writing Center Journal. Dr. Dvorak earned the 2014 SWCA Achievement Award and the 2014 NSU STUEY Award for Professor of the Year.