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Logan Bearden, Ph.D.

Logan Bearden
Associate Professor


  • Ph.D. Florida State University
  • M.A. Florida State University
  • B.A. Florida State University

Logan Bearden, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the Department of Communication, Media, and the Arts. He teaches undergraduate composition courses and graduate courses in the M.A. in Composition, Rhetoric, and Digital Media program. He received his Ph.D. in English (Rhetoric and Composition) from Florida State University in 2016.  


Dr. Bearden studies multimodal composition, programmatic/curricular structures, and writing program administration. He has presented at regional, national, and international conferences, and his research has appeared in WPA: Writing Program Administration, the Journal of College Literacy and Learning, and various edited collections. With his colleagues, Rachel Gramer and Derek Mueller, he co-edited Radiant Figures: Visual Rhetorics in Everyday Administrative Contexts. His book, Making Progress: Programmatic and Administrative Approaches for Multimodal Curricular Transformation, is available from Utah State University Press.

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