Contribute to the Reduction of Human Suffering
Become empowered with globally aware and interdisciplinary knowledge to support "whole person" care and a more sustainable world. Nova Southeastern University's B.A. in Medical Humanities program engages students to think creatively, critically, and diversely on issues of health as they are impacted by institutions of culture, society, equality, government, economy, and politics. Equipped with skills and awareness in these areas, you will contribute to the reduction of human suffering.
Why Should You Major in Medical Humanities at NSU?
Gain a competitive edge for medical school, which increasingly is calling for pre-professional students with skills in empathy, interpersonal communication, cultural competency, and ethical reasoning.
Become a Health Care Professional Inside or Outside Clinical Settings
This major provides needed preparation in humanities areas that equip students with an exciting pathway toward careers in health care, business, law, writing, and administration. The major includes courses that are fundamentally interdisciplinary to both broaden and deepen students' knowledge and skills in the humanities and their ability to independently research and problem solve issues of health and health care.
Students in the Medical Humanities major produce a research project drawing upon knowledge in the sciences and humanities, practice appreciation of culture and art as important for preventing professional and emotional burnout, and ask conscientious questions regarding body politics relevant to issues of health the experiences of patients and health care providers (e.g., gender, race, sexuality, class, disability, culture/subculture, etc.).
Students will be part of the Department of Humanities and Politics, which maintains a DHP Scholar Fund to support student presentations and participation in relevant academic conferences, drawing on our strong undergraduate research and scholarship emphasis.
The IN-SIGHT Student Think Tank is a unique opportunity providing students with fellowship support to work on an applied humanities-based solution to a business problem. The Think Tank works directly with a South Florida-based business each year.
The Medical Humanities major is applied humanities. This emphasis is on the edge of the innovation curve in humanities across the globe; applied humanities is career-focused and helps students plan for a multitude of career choices.
Reserve your seat in one of NSU’s graduate or professional schools while you earn your bachelor’s degree. With NSU’s Dual Admission program, you don’t have to worry about competing with thousands of other students for a spot in a highly selective graduate program. This Premier Program gives you an opportunity to get a head start on your career, so you can start earning sooner.
Your NSU professors are dedicated to ensuring that you have a great academic experience. They regularly review the curriculum to make updates that give you and edge in today's ever-changing world. As an NSU Medical Humanities major, some sample courses that you take include Literature and Science, Biomedical Ethics, and Medical Sociology. Visit the B.A. in Medical Humanities curriculum to view details course descriptions and plans of study.
Integrating minors across the arts and science curricula allows NSU's Halmos College undergraduates to be creative and critical thinkers through their diverse learning experiences. You’ll gain fresh perspectives by thinking experientially as well as experimentally.