Contribute to the Reduction of Human Suffering

Become empowered with globally aware and interdisciplinary knowledge to support "whole person" care and a more sustainable world. Nova Southeastern University's B.A. in Medical Humanities program engages students to think creatively, critically, and diversely on issues of health as they are impacted by institutions of culture, society, equality, government, economy, and politics. Equipped with skills and awareness in these areas, you will contribute to the reduction of human suffering.

Why Should You Major in Medical Humanities at NSU?

Gain a competitive edge for medical school, which increasingly is calling for pre-professional students with skills in empathy, interpersonal communication, cultural competency, and ethical reasoning.

Become a Health Care Professional Inside or Outside Clinical Settings

This major provides needed preparation in humanities areas that equip students with an exciting pathway toward careers in health care, business, law, writing, and administration. The major includes courses that are fundamentally interdisciplinary to both broaden and deepen students' knowledge and skills in the humanities and their ability to independently research and problem solve issues of health and health care.